Thursday, August 6, 2015

Happy First Year and Other Happy Things

My baby boy turned 1 year old.  I know, I'm still trying to believe it myself.  One year has gone by so fast, I sometimes find it hard to remember a time when he wasn't wobbling around on his two little feet, babbling to himself and randomly clapping his little hands. I know many mothers who vocalize the wish that their little ones stop growing up, but I for one am so excited for J to keep on growing and developing.  Right now, for example, I can't wait for him to start talking.  I want to know what's going on inside that little curly head of his.  And while I realize that the conversation probably won't be that intellectually riveting for quite a few years, I am still anxious for the day when I will hear his voice.

For his birthday, we had a small party with family.  Much to my dismay, J was not interested in his birthday cake one bit, but the rest of us enjoyed it for him (orange and lemon, yum!).  He hit the jackpot with presents - toys and games with lots of buttons to push over and over (and over and over).  Seriously, those grandparents really know how to keep a grandchild entertained and drive a mother crazy!

I knew becoming a mother would be special, but what I didn't fully appreciate was how being a mother (or a father) is what helps you truly understand the nature of Heavenly Father.  As I look at my baby and witness his daily triumphs and failures, as I practice patience and love during those especially tough days, I realize that this is how God feels towards me, His child.  He laughs with me, He cheers me on, He mourns with me when I fall, He is patient with my weaknesses, and He loves me unconditionally.  I carry this truth in the back my mind as I strive each day to be the best mother I can be for my Baby J.

And one more thing!  For the past several years, I have been blogging over on Some Sort of Crazy.  That blog served me well during both very low times and very happy times.  I decided, though, that it was time for a fresh start, a clean slate, a blank page.  My hope is to begin a new chapter of thoughts and memories here on A Run in the Park.  I invite you to follow along through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or an RSS feeder.  Comments and likes are always appreciated.  Thank you for reading!

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